NeoNail #Social Media Love Brand
NeoNail #Social Media Love Brand

A well-known internet analyst Brian Solis says: “Social media is more about sociology and psychology than technology.” That’s right: the key to success is for a brand profile to create a consistent message close to its followers’ hearts.

It’s therefore worth assuming that fans are not so much consumers, but people who have a similar style, similar interests, similar sense of aesthetics.

It turns out that about 30% of the time we spend online is used for browsing social media. They are slowly becoming a kind of cosmos: without beginning and end.

Like the universe, it continues to expand its infinite boundaries. Then, the challenge is to attract the attention of the audience in this amount of published content, to provoke their reactions and commitment.

This will never happen if the message is only about presenting another novelty in the portfolio or encouraging people to buy in a more or less pushy way. In such a case, you can at most count on a quick “like” and losing in organic reach.

What your content should include?

Something meaningful and valuable from the perspective of the recipient. Advice, inspiration, dialogue. It is always worth keeping in mind that social media are contact, two-way communication, sharing opinions and impressions (also negative ones, that is why it is important to know how to deal with criticism).

It is a community made up of individual atoms, not a group that can be freely “managed”. Building relationships is a long process, but its beneficiaries are brands that are friends of their customers. Those that shorten the distance, know what real-time marketing is, can react quickly because in social media the time is always now. There are no returns to the past

In the case of cosmetics, the look of social media channels is also important. An image says more than a thousand words, so it must be the magnet that attracts the attention of the audience.

While “home edits” of videos or poor light in photos can be forgiven on a private user’s profile, for brands, such deficiencies are not acceptable. The content is supposed to be authentic, but also professional. Beautiful photos, engaging videos, creative texts (without being boring) – this is a SOCIAL MUST.

Close to the consumer

Hybrid paint manufacturers use the power of the Internet and social media very well. The NeoNail brand is an example of a well-run profile.

The presence in social media channels is a very important aspect of brand marketing activities. No wonder, because a large part of its target group includes active users of social media. Direct contact with them allows the brand to analyze the needs of this group on an ongoing basis and, consequently, to match the offer exactly to the market needs. Feedback is a great tool for manufacturers – you just need to know how to use it!
