LCA 2024 - Mergers&Acquisitions Expert - Bielenda Kosmetyki Naturalne
LCA 2024 - Mergers&Acquisitions Expert - Bielenda Kosmetyki Naturalne

Bielenda Kosmetyki Naturalne has been the undisputed leader - or even a star - of acquisitions in the Polish cosmetics market for several years. The portfolio of its brands is now impressive, and each new purchase becomes a high-profile event in the business world.

There are two strategies. The first one is organic growth. It takes time and always has a certain limit of opportunities. The second one is development through acquisitions. The effect in gaining market share is much faster, it gives brands a synergy effect, but it certainly requires significant financial efforts. Bielenda, boosted from 2020 by Innova Capital fund, has been following the latter path for years - without neglecting organic growth, of course.

From a family business to a large cosmetics business

The history of Bielenda at the start is similar to many other Polish cosmetics businesses created at the turn of the 1980s and 1990s. The company was founded in Krakow in 1990 by Barbara Bielenda - a charismatic person with high expertise and many years of experience in the cosmetics sector. Together with her husband and sons, they developed their brand step by step. Each of them left a piece of heart, passion, and perseverance in the company. Thanks to their hard work, the brand gradually gained sympathy of consumers and managed to cope with the difficult battle with multinationals that entered the Polish market when it opened after 1989. Polish people were strongly fascinated by foreign novelties that had not been available before, so it is no wonder that at that time they seemed more tempting. Polish producers had to fight hard for their family businesses to defend themselves on the market and to win again the hearts of consumers for Polish brands. And this is the joint success of the largest Polish cosmetic companies! Their leaders quickly understood how important marketing, modern distribution, and investments in research and development are, in order not to be pushed into a corner. Ultimately, the high quality of the products, creativity in their creation and responding to the real needs of customers, resulted in consumers being convinced that Polish products are simply very good. This is what makes the Polish cosmetics market so unique – with a high share of local brands.

In Bielenda, a significant acceleration happened in the 2000s. Marek Bielenda took over the reins of the company after his mother and, together with his brother Jacek, they started to develop the business even more. They employed the best market specialists: in the laboratory, marketing, and sales. They were leaders in whom the team had complete confidence. Their visions were ambitious, they never played waiting, they always took advantage of promising business situations and focused on M&A activities more strongly than any other competitor. Since 2020, they have established a strategic alliance with the Innova Capital fund, which had an additional direct impact on strong investments in acquisitions.

Currently, Bielenda Group includes brands such as: Bielenda (created by the company in 1990), Bielenda Professional (created by the company in 2004), Bielenda Professional Supremelab (created by the company in 2017), BodyBoom ​​(acquired in 2019), FaceBoom and BabyBoom ​​(created by the company in 2020), Soraya and Dermika (acquired in 2020), SheHand, SheFoot and ManFoot (acquired in 2021), SheCare (created by the company in 2022 ), SkinArté (created by the company in 2023), Tołpa i ON (acquired in 2023), and Miya Cosmetics (acquired in 2024).

Bielenda – position of a champion thanks to acquisitions

Bielenda Group, together with Innova Capital, has been consistently pursuing the goal of building the leader of the Polish cosmetics market as well as a significant player in the global beauty sector for several years. This is precisely what the regular expansion of the portfolio with new brands serves. It leads to a dynamic increase of the market share, especially in the key segment of facial care cosmetics.

- Another acquisition and thus strengthening of Bielenda Group is an expression of our consistent, well-thought-out growth. The transactions we carry out are possible thanks to our know-how in this field, which, combined with the experience and energy of the entire team of our employees and partners, is crucial for further development. Our common goal and ambition is to strengthen our position on the national market and boldly compete at global level. To meet the challenges associated with this, we must focus on continuous growth and building an advantage provided by innovation and product diversity, modern laboratory facilities, as well as production and logistics capabilities – said Marek Bielenda, president of the management board of Bielenda Kosmetyki Naturalne, after the transaction related to the purchase of Miya Cosmetics brand.

Each subsequent acquisition has led to the strengthening of the company's position. Perfectly aware of market trends, the company constantly develops each of its brands. It directs them to a specific group of consumers, with wise positioning. Bielenda cosmetics win awards in prestigious competitions, but more importantly, they are very popular among consumers – and this ultimately determines the growing sales and increasing market shares of the company. The chosen course has turned out to be the right one!


There could only be one winner in this category. Without the slightest doubt, Bielenda Group masterfully plays the industry chess of acquisitions. It perfectly selects brands that complement each other in the portfolio and increase the scale of market expansion. Only strong brands and strong capital groups are able to strengthen themselves in such an extremely competitive market. Only a significant business scale allows to realistically think about foreign expansion. In the industry corridor conversations, the question is increasingly not: "Will Bielenda take over anyone else?", but rather "Whom and when?". The company sets a new trend in the Polish market. It is building a cosmetics empire. Each acquisition is analyzed in great detail to make sure it makes business sense, and so far everything has worked out. Under Bielenda umbrella, the acquired brands gain momentum. Market experience of the management board, support of a large equity fund, and the extensive competences of both parties, fuel impressive development in the demanding cosmetics market and determine the company's success. We can only congratulate Bielenda on their courage, clear vision and ambition in reaching for more.
